PoohBear Quote of the day
For some time, I have always wanted to share some quotes/statements that I feel have some impact on me that I have heard, read, seen either from the media, articles or just while chatting with people. Today I decided, I'll do a little "PoohBear Quote of the day"* whenever I can..so here it goes:
PoohBear Quote of the day :
"In a relationship (r/s), its not about each person giving 50%:50% but giving 100%:100% of each other to make it work" - Dr. Phil show
I first heard this from Dr.Phil when he was hosting his talk show on TV. When I heard that, it made me realised that alot of time, people, including myself will say "oh, you do this and I'll do that (50%:50%) then it will be fair". When I heard what Dr. Phil said, I realised he's right..in a r/s, one should always be putting 100% of yourself into the r/s just as you will in doing anything important, how can you be doing just 50% and expecting a result of a 100% work?I really enjoyed when hubby and I do household chores together (not doing 50%:50%), when eating he lets me have more of something I like/I let him have more of something he likes (not 50%:50%), he gives me more hugs/I give him more hugs (not 50%:50%), I'm more tolerant with some of his faults/ he's more tolerant with some of my faults (not 50%:50%), when making decisions, we take in view each other's opinions, sometimes I go with his/he goes with my decision (not 50%:50%)
I believe this concept of giving 100% of yourself goes to any r/s, even with friends, family and co-workers :) Alot of times, its about giving and taking but each time giving 100% of yourself to your partner(s), making it a learning process which will help the r/s grow and glow.
Cheerios and keep smiling!
With Love from PoohBear
*Please do note that the quotes might not be 100% exact word for word but it is what I remembered from what I heard/seen/read.
Picture courtesy from http://www.chw.org
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