Saturday, December 02, 2006

When the going gets tough, how does the tough gets going?

Words of encouragement, support and little thoughts that are shown all goes a long way in building a relationship. When the going gets tough and can't see any light at the end of the tunnel; these words, actions and the knowledge that there are people out there that care and love you are the driving forces that keeps the tough going.

Cheerios and keep smiling!
With Love from PoohBear


Anonymous said...

Yap! And your friends will be holding a lighted candle to light up the darkness and show you the way! I always tell my married, to be married friends that its important to keep your friends even after you have gotten married. They are great supports when the going gets tough....

winniethepooh said...

yup..gfs are just as impt as bf or hubby..they are an impt network and a part of ur own life. :) share a life together with someone is great but have hving a part of life that you can identify as YOU is just as impt!