Thursday, November 23, 2006

What will you choose?

Life as a couple is never easy, facing decisions make life better for the family (especially when there are children in the family, as Canada law stated that children below the age of 13 must not be left at home alone) and with the increasing expensive childcare cost; Increasing number of Canadian parents are choosing either of these options:

Option 1: One parent works the night shift and the other works the day shift
Option 2: One parent stays home and the other goes to work (usually the one with the higher pay)

In my view, this is how I see it,

Option 1

Pro: Cut cost on sending children to childcare, children get to spend time with parents, dual income (more money for expenses) Con: Couple relationship usually drift apart since they dont have much time for their relationship (seeing less of each other, one's in and the others's out and vice versa), Can take a tow on health for the partner who's working night shift and might have a negative effect on their social life

Option 2

Pro: Cut cost on sending children to childcare, children get to spend more time with one parent (better bonding?) Con: Reduce in income (stressful for the one bring home the bacon?)

what will you choose?

Cheerios and keep smiling!
With Love from PoohBear

2 comments: said...

I don't think the two options appeal to anyone.
How about having a daycare centre within the company? Or if the company is small, share a daycare among 5-6 companies? That way, you can have a look at your kid every two hours?

winniethepooh said...

yup i totally agree, that is another good option, which i know happen in Singapore. You can drop in to see your kids but companies will hv to fork out a certain protion of their money to get a childcare in the workplace. Wonder if they will do that..not sure if there is such an option here in canada. This was what was reported in the program. Perhaps they do have such a program in some companies