Spiderman3 - Weekend box office record $148 million, we were part of it
Spiderman3 finally opens on last Friday in Canada.."The One" and I went to catch the afternoon show of Spi 3. Even before the first showtime at 11.30am, infront of the cinema were groups of teenagers waiting outside (I suppose wanting to be the first ones to catch Spi3) geee..on a Friday morning, don't they have to go to school??
The whole day, the cinema was packed, the cinema was a multi plex and if I'm not wrong, at least 5/6 halls were running Spi3 on one day, timing of the movies was like 30 mins interval. As the seats were free sitting, "The One" and I went in 3o mins earlier (I know, I know..I'm the more kaisu type, but I don't wanna end up sitting in the front rows, having to endure a neck ache at the end of the show)
The show started on time, initially it was pretty good, esp with the new evils: sandman and venom. I think Spi3 was based more on the 'romance' rather than really Spi with the evils..
My Favourite part? one memorable scene was when Peter Parker and MJ were sharing a night under the stars romancing on the BIG spiderweb *dreamy eyes*. (click on that box to see the scene) and as usual, the captivating 'swings' of spi and the main moral of 'With great power, comes great responsibility'. The fighting scenes were well done but there were scenes when suddenly I do not know if Spiderman is really a superhero who's so invincible? or he's just human? He can get injured, cuts just like any human being and then there were scenes when he was being thrown against the moving train and yet not getting injured at all..It all seems so contradicting..As time goes by, it got draggy. My bums were sore, I was getting irritated...At some point, even before the show ends, some guys were leaving the cinema. My verdict of the show? Critics have termed this as the BEST of the TRIOLOGY, I'm saying "huh, no way, i rather re-watched the 1st or the 2nd spiderman rather than this." Well, "The One" had a different view, he enjoyed this Spiderman3 and of course, he being the 'evilish one' liked "VENOM" even before we watched this Spiderman3..see how evilish he is? hahhaha (that's one of "The One" fav pic of Venom)
Cheerios and keep smiling!
With Love from PoohBear
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Came via Yenjai, I oso quite kiasu when go to movies because if I were to sit in front, my neck would be aching by the end of the movie and I'll be in agony, oso a lot of kids love to sit right in front.
Hi Firehorse, thanks for dropping by. :) I had an experience once when I was younger, watching 'Jaws' and I tell myself from then onwards, 'thats it, first and last time i'm ever going to sit in the front rows!' hmm..maybe kids have shorter necks, so they dont get neck strain? hehehe
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