Compared with any method of cooking, I love baking..Not cakes though as baking a cake really means you hv to follow the recipe to a "T", too little, too much and your cake will 'go flat'. What I mean by baking is say..'baking fish, chicken, pork.." sorta stuffs. Where a little too much of these or that wont make your food a total diaster (at least thats what I hope) hehe..Plus the fact that baking is 'healthier' with less oil, not too greasy and while I bake one dish in the oven, I can be stir frying another dish on the stove. Save time, multi tasking :)
So today..I feel like having "salt baked chicken". I'm not the best at cooking, but give me a "PREMIX" and I'm sure I'm good at following instruction and my instinct :)
I used "Seah's Salt Roasted Chicken Spice Powder" for the chicken. (although it said 'roasted' but I figured since I'm using the oven to bake, i'll call mine baked chicken ;)) "Seah's" has a number of nice premix and none has 'failed' me when I tried them so far..:) Highly recommended
On the left, Thats the "BEFORE" photo of my deliciously looking salt baked chicken (I used a bone in Chicken Breast instead of a whole chicken) and on the right, thats the "AFTER" photo of the chicken when we 'tear it apart' dont be mistaken as to why we didnt finish that chicken, thats because "The One" and I are saving it for our dinner! hahahah..cant bear to finish it at one go. "The One" give this a BIG THUMBS UP! and me..of course, ahem, I'm the chef, aint I? hahahaha Ok ok, no self praising here, its the credit of the "Seah's" premix :) Try it, you wont be disappointed, thats for sure :)
Cheerios and keep smiling!
With Love from PoohBear