Sunday, August 12, 2007

Art with a "voice"

"The One" showed me a link to the "People of the web-strokes of genius" which shows a young artist, Phil hansen who does his art works in a 'unique' way. Eg of his arts include a 'painting' a portrait of Bruce lee using karate chops, a portrait of Nth Korean Kim Jong using first aid plasters and 500cc of his own blood.

This Art with a "Voice" showing George Bush is one of his unique art piece (just click on the arrow on video to watch).

If you want to see a short video clip of his many art works, follow this link

Phil has his own website:

Arts in any form can be thought-provoking and they convey a msg so subtly yet so powerful.

Cheerios and keep smiling!
With Love from PoohBear


J.T. said...

Hi Winnie,

Of those soldiers' names on that board, I have met one of them (and his wife) before he left for Iraq in 2003. He died in 2004 during the an extended tour. (He was a customer at the auto insurance company where I worked part-time).

Lots of people are just getting tired of the lives being lost through an unnecessary war. Yet, most are proud of the fact that those are soldiers who put their lives on the line for the country - regardless of where they are located.

Very good art - it speaks volumes.

pearly said...

hi winnie :
gosh is really a art , so cool .

I agree with JT , everyday I watch BBC new each day there a one to two or more englsh soliers die it make me very agree , each day I saw my work mate she look so worry about her fiace in Iraq , I just wish there will be call back this war is so stuck , this morning I was thinking about writte a post about those us and british soldiers and those suice bommer . me and derek was talking about this I am so sad about each day the news show 3min only for those die soldiers there die for nothing so sad .

thank for drop by to my blog ,xx
you have a nice day xxxx how is your work have you start work yet ?

Chen said...

Art with a voice is indeed something unique :)

winniethepooh said...

j.t., it is sad that life are lost in these wars. Although family who have loved ones who lost their life and those who still have 'fathers, brothers, sons, bfs, grand-sons' who are in the war, proud of the fact that these soldiers put their lives for the country, people are beginning to question if this war is really 'necessary'?, 'justified'?,
'right'?, 'worthwhile'? etc..

winniethepooh said...

yes pearly, i agree, for family and people with loved ones in the is really a hard time for them even. Missing them, worrying about them whether they can come home safely.

Canada sent soldiers over as peace keepers but lives have been lost and every time when they send their body back, it is heart wrenching..Some left behind very young family, wife and child just a few months old..

Why has this war in the first place? is it really necessary? The leaders of these countries just hv to give a command to send troops over. They are not in the front line, they are not there to 'fight' for their life..Can they really understand the 'fears' of these families and soldiers?

winniethepooh said...

Hi chen :) thanks for dropping by.

I too agree that its a 'cool' art, very thought provoking for me :)

hv a great day chen!

Lee said...

Hi Winnie, I hardly read the papers or watch TV news as I feel sad hearing the number of soldies being killed daily. So sad.
Old days I enjoy reading the papers. Today I just flip thru in 5 minutes.
Keep well, Winnie. UL.

winniethepooh said...

Hi Uncle Lee,

the news of soldiers who scarificed their lives, leaving behind families and loved ones are always hard to swallow..

I can miss any programs on TV but the news is a must for me.(my 007 knows very well hahaha)

As much as I dislike hearing 'sad, heart-breaking' (the war, the hostage kidnapping, bridge falling...) I get mad hearing 'the way of govt'g in Toronto' too. Knowing how the Toronto govt waste tax payers money, yet wanting to raise property, cars taxes, cutting services just becoz they themselves do not know how to budget their house finances?? *shake head*

U have a great day Uncle Lee